Brain plasticity is also called neuroplasticity. But what is it? It is the ability of our neural connections (and brain function) to grow, reorganize, and improve.
When these capacities decline, dementia can ensue.
Because the underlying reasons for dementia are complex and there is no one root cause at which a single drug can effectively be aimed, the most fruitful approach for prevention and treatment is to address as many contributing “upstream” factors as possible. To tip the balance toward nurturing brain cells and connections rather than damaging them. Toward neuron-boosting vs neuron-harming.
Neurologist and researcher Dr Dale Bredesen refers to the only treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease that has actually proved effective as a “silver buckshot” approach rather than the proverbial “silver bullet.”
Numerous varied elements (the buckshot) play a significant role in whether our brain health will stay optimal or will diminish.
But (happily) just a handful of influential self-care habits have an outsize impact on these elements. The habits include:
Prioritizing sufficient restorative sleep.
Using our bodies the way they are designed to be used, by moving in varied ways and (as much as possible) throughout the day.
Reducing stress and isolation.
Limiting toxic exposures and maximizing our body’s defenses against toxins.
Practicing dietary and lifestyle habits that reduce, or better yet eliminate, chronic inflammation.
Eating a rich varied diet of whole foods to supply essential nutrients.
Limiting rapidly-digested carbohydrates to avoid developing (or to reverse) excess weight, elevated blood sugars, and insulin resistance. The body quickly digests processed foods made with sugar and/or flour, which causes a blood sugar spike and concurrent insulin spike, leading to long-term harm for many of us.
This picture has a complicated web of intricate threads, but can look a bit different for each of us depending on the dominant features at play. You can aim for generally optimizing your major self-care habits, or take a further step and try to understand which factors are most significant in your individual situation through testing and a personalized plan.
Our brains teeter in the balance. To flourish into our later adult years, we need that scale to tilt in the direction of plasticity and resilience, and away from decline.